Hair restoration can help restore confidence and appearance, regardless of the underlying causes of your hair loss. At Arijai Aesthetics, we want all of our clients to feel comfortable and get the cosmetic results they desire in a compassionate environment. So, we provide a few different options for hair restoration that work for both men and women.


Read on to learn more about the basics of robotic hair restoration and how our treatment options work.

What Is Robotic Hair Restoration?

Robotic hair restoration is a cutting-edge type of hair transplant surgery. So, unlike traditional hair transplants, robotic hair restoration is much less invasive. These solutions are either fully or partially automated, which means you won't need stitches or end up with a scar.


This kind of hair transplant is known as follicular unit extraction.

What Are the Different Kinds of Robotic Hair Restoration?

At Arijai Aesthetics, we provide two different options for robotic hair restoration, ARTAS® and NeoGraft®. Both treatments are a kind of follicular unit extractions, meaning that each hair follicle is harvested from the healthy follicles. Then, the healthy follicles are placed into the bald or thinning hair areas.


With robotic hair transplants, you’ll have shorter procedures and less recovery time.


While both the ARTAS® and NeoGraft® hair restoration options are effective and minimally invasive, there are a couple of differences between the two.


ARTAS®  is our completely automated system. This means the procedure is done using a biomedical robot that uses advanced technologies, including 3D Mapping, to transplant the healthy hair.


This fully automated option removes the human error element and leads to natural-looking results.


NeoGraft® brings similar results but through a semi-automated system. Our skilled hair transplant surgeon will use the robotic device. This is an excellent option for those who have less uniform hair loss as it allows for more insight from the healthcare professional.

Just like the ARTAS® system, NeoGraft® hair restoration brings about natural-looking results without stitches and scars.

Which Hair Restoration Service Is Best for You?

If you’re looking for hair restoration treatments, the professionals at Arijai Aesthetics are here to help. Along with robot-assisted hair restoration options, we also provide PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy that is a non-surgical procedure.


When you set up an appointment with us, we will determine which hair restoration choice is best for you. Call today at (952) 479-5916 to set up a consultation.