Thinning hair may begin at any age and can tremendously impact one's confidence. It’s no secret that millions of people struggle with this issue, find it embarrassing, and seek over-the-counter treatments that are simply not effective. 

Those who do have luck with run-of-the-mill hair restoration products find that they require frequent application but offer mediocre results.  

Today, thanks to recent advancements in aesthetic regenerative medicine, we now have the ability to stop hair loss in its tracks and even reverse it. How? 

Enter platelet-rich plasma and platelet-rich fibrin.

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Platelet-rich plasma, commonly referred to as PRP, is a natural substance derived from whole blood. Plasma, the main component of blood, is liquid. The remainder of the whole blood consists of solid components: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. 

PRP is a highly concentrated mixture of plasma and platelets, achieved through a process called centrifugation. Highly concentrated PRP may contain anywhere from five to 10 times the number of platelets found in whole blood.

What Is Platelet-Rich Fibrin?

Platelet-rich fibrin, or PRF, is similar to PRP in that it is also obtained from your own blood. However, PRF is a potent fibrin derivative frequently referred to as "second-generation PRP" because of its higher levels of platelets, cytokines, and leukocytes which are crucial for immune reactions and healing after an injury.

In contrast to PRP, however, PRF distinctively contains stem cells that are celebrated for their ability to regenerate tissue. These stem cells facilitate quicker tissue repair, diminish visible signs of damage, encourage collagen production, and ultimately contribute to restimulating hair follicles into growing hair. 

How Do Platelets Stimulate Hair Restoration?

Platelets, the tiny disc-shaped components of human blood, are responsible for wound healing and clotting. When you fall and scrape your knee, platelets immediately rush toward the injury and begin working to repair the damage. 

Because they contain active growth factors, platelets are powerful stimulators of new tissue growth. It is these growth factors that are responsible for stimulating new growth in lackluster hair follicles. 

PRF treatments can even go a step further. The stem cells in PRF can morph into the type of cells that hair follicles need to grow new hair, encouraging healthier, thicker hair shafts. 

Unlike over-the-counter treatments, PRP and PRF injections target the root cause of hair loss to provide long-term results. 

How Does the PRP/PRF Hair Restoration Process Work?

This type of hair restoration begins with a consultation to determine your candidacy for treatment. Depending on your pattern of hair thinning, your specialist will develop a customized protocol to address the root cause of your hair loss. 

After we’ve developed your customized injection protocol, it’s time to get started. The procedure generally involves the following steps:

  1. First, we perform a standard blood draw to collect enough whole blood for the centrifugation process.

  2. Next, we place the blood sample into the centrifuge to separate and isolate the various blood components. After separation, we isolate the PRP for re-injection into the scalp.

  3. Using tiny needles, we meticulously inject PRP throughout each area of thinning hair. Generally, patients do not require any type of anesthetic as the process is only mildly uncomfortable.

  4. For the most dramatic results, we recommend repeated treatments. Your specialist will work with you to develop a protocol that fits your unique situation and goals.

What to Expect After the Procedure

Some patients may experience mild discomfort or slight bruising following the procedure. We recommend avoiding any type of anti-inflammatory medication as these substances can interfere with PRP’s mechanism of action. 

Most patients begin to see results within two months following their injections, with continued progress up to a year after treatment. 

The Amazing Benefits of Platelets for Hair Restoration 

Hair loss can dramatically change a person’s appearance, and for many people, it has a serious positive impact on overall self-confidence. While over-the-counter hair restoration treatments are widely available, they unfortunately don’t always work as advertised, and in many cases, they cause worrisome side effects

PRP and PRF hair restoration offer men and women with thinning hair a minimally invasive solution for stimulating natural hair regrowth.

If you’re looking for a natural and highly effective way to restore thinning hair, check out the many benefits of PRP and PRF.

Hair Restoration Looks Remarkably Natural

PRP and PRF hair restoration use your own blood plasma to stimulate your hair follicles. Rather than replacing lost hair (like implants) or stopping hair loss and prolonging your hair’s growth phase (like minoxidil), PRP/PRF contain growth factors that actually stimulate new hair growth

That’s why when the hair begins to regrow, it looks exceptionally natural!

Treatments Are Fully Customized 

Unlike commercially available, one-size-fits-all hair loss treatment, PRP hair restoration is fully customized to each patient’s needs and aesthetic goals. 

Whether you’re struggling with a balding patch, hair loss near the front of your face, or widespread thinning hair, your treatment provider will create an individualized solution to address your specific concerns. 

There’s Minimal to No Downtime

Like most minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, PRP hair restoration involves almost no downtime and does not restrict activity after treatment. 

Because the procedure simply injects your own blood plasma into your scalp, you can shower and wash your hair when you get home if you’re so inclined. However, you cannot get your hair colored or permed within 72 hours after treatment. 

As with any procedure involving injections, there may be some degree of discomfort after the procedure is over. However, scalp soreness or inflammation is typically mild and short-lived. 

The Procedures Are Simple & Quick

Compared to surgical hair restoration procedures, PRP and PRF hair restoration treatments require very little time. Since there are no incisions, the process typically requires less than an hour, whereas a hair transplant procedure can require anywhere from four to eight hours to complete. 

Looking for Hair Restoration Near Minneapolis-St. Paul?

If you’re struggling with thinning hair, our PRP hair restoration specialists at Arijai Aesthetics can help. In addition to hair loss solutions, we offer several other minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, surgical body contouring services, and clinical skin care procedures. 

If you’d like to discuss how PRP can help you restore thinning hair, let’s set up a consult! Feel free to call our Burnsville, Minnesota office at 952.435.0605 or request a complimentary consultation online, and we’ll be in touch!