For men and women who struggle with a double chin, it can be a constant source of frustration. Double chins are one of the most difficult areas of body fat to reduce. In fact, millions of Americans struggle with double chins even if they’re not overweight and never have been.


If you find yourself frustrated when you see your image in photos due to a resistant double chin, Kybella is a non-surgical treatment option that can help. At Arijai, our cosmetic injectable experts love helping our patients feel better about themselves. In this post, we’ll talk about how Kybella works to improve your appearance by giving you a more attractive profile. Here’s what you need to know about using Kybella for your double chin.


The Frustrating Problem of Chin Fullness

Chin fullness, also known as submental fullness, can happen at any age. Some individuals are born with it and struggle with it their entire lives. Others may never have an issue with chin fullness until middle age. Chin fullness can also strike regardless of weight or weight loss. It is common regardless of your gender and is commonly connected to your familial genetics.


Who is a Good Candidate for Kybella?

If you’ve got neck and chin fullness that doesn’t respond to exercise or diet, you may be an ideal candidate for Kybella. Kybella is a good option for patients with both moderate chin fullness and severe chin fullness.


In the past, the only treatment available for chin fullness was liposuction. While liposuction is still an excellent option for addressing double chin problems, Kybella offers a non-surgical alternative. If you’re looking for a way to reduce your double chin and wish to avoid surgery, Kybella may be a strong option for you.


How Kybella Works

Kybella is a prescription injection option that can help patients see a visible reduction in the appearance of their double chin. Kybella uses deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule found in your body, to break down your submental fat, completely destroying fat cells for good. A single treatment takes less than half an hour and has little to no downtime. Many patients who use Kybella find that after only two treatments, they see a noticeable reduction in the appearance of their double chin.


After your treatment, here are some of the results you may experience:


●        More defined profile

●        Younger appearance due to a reduced double chin

●        Improved confidence

●        Fast recovery


Contact Arijai for a Beautiful Profile You’ll Love

If you’re frustrated by the way you look in social media posts or you feel your chin fullness ages you or makes you look more overweight than you are, Kybella can help. Kybella is just one of the many cosmetic injectable treatments we offer at Arijai. With a few simple treatments, you’ll look and feel better about yourself.


If you’d like to find out if you’re a good candidate for Kybella, upload your images for a free virtual consult. Or you can contact our office at 952.435.0605 to schedule your appointment for Kybella treatment.