Free Skin Care Consultation | Arijai Aesthetics




Free Skin Care Consultation With Arijai

  • Individualized Skin Care Program
  • Trustworthy & Caring Professionals
  • Non-Invasive Treatments for Lasting Results

Create Your Most Complete Skin Care Plan 

At Arijai, we understand that to look amazing, you need to feel amazing. Each individual has a unique physiology and treatment needs. Our cosmetic dermatology team works with you to create a unique skin care plan, which is individually tailored to your personal treatment goals as well as your individual biology. 

We offer a menu of skin care services, which is uniquely designed to meet a wide range of individual needs. We understand that human skin is uniquely complex and must be approached in a scientific and comprehensive way. 

Our skin care offerings are meant to complement each other and can be combined to meet each individual’s unique needs. The result is a skin care program that produces beautiful, effective results, helping you achieve balanced and renewed skin. 

Allow yourself to be pampered as you begin the path to healthy, glowing skin. Our caring and compassionate medical aesthetics experts combine elegance and scientific skill for a comprehensive and luxurious approach. 

We offer free skin care consultations, which allow you the opportunity to sit down with our team and discuss how we can help you realize your aesthetic goals.

Customize for Your Unique Skin

By combining skin care treatments, we can help unlock the fullest potential of your body’s natural healing properties. Maximizing your body’s biological regenerative potential will give you glowing, radiant skin.

We offer several skin care treatments that stack well together.


SkinPen is our most popular treatment. This treatment uses microneedling to stimulate your body’s healthy regenerative properties, creating new collagen and elastin while rejuvenating your skin.

SkinPen is used to treat acne scars, smooth your skin’s texture, and minimize fine lines. SkinPen is also available with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injection, increasing volume in the skin’s extracellular matrix.

SkinPen without PRP pairs well with LED phototherapy and dermablading.


Dermalinfusion offers a deeper level of exfoliation, removing impurities and congestion while infusing your facial tissue with a powerful serum that’s rich in antioxidants. Dermalinfusion offers relief for resistant acne, fine lines, and fine scars.

It also helps with hyperpigmentation, leaving your skin tone even and renewed. This treatment pairs well with LED phototherapy.


Dermablading is product-free exfoliation using a medical-grade scalpel to remove the fine velus hairs and dead skin cells from the outer layer of your skin, revealing healthy, glowing skin.

Dermabladed skin offers you the smoothest possible makeup application and can reduce the appearance of scars, fine lines, and even surface pigmentation.

Dermablading pairs nicely with LED phototherapy or the sensitive peel.

Repair and Rejuvenate

We offer a wide menu of therapy options to help you achieve your individual goals. During your consult, we will talk about your goals for treatment. By combining treatments, we can address all of your concerns, from reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to evening out your skin’s pigment.

When it comes to our skin, every individual is different. Your own unique biology will play a role in determining the best treatment approach. Our cosmetic dermatology team will discuss your unique skin and decide what treatment options would stack well together to best meet your physiological needs.

What to Expect From Your Treatment

During your free skin care consultation, we will discuss what you can expect during the treatment process. Our goal is to make your skin care journey as relaxing and luxurious as possible. We want you to feel refreshed and renewed so that you can have a healthy path to healing.

We will also discuss which treatments you are an ideal candidate for, as well as address any health concerns that would make one treatment option a better alternative for you. This can help you know what to expect during the recovery process.

Talk to our caring professionals at Arijai, and let us develop a personalized care plan that gives you the beautiful skin you’ve always wanted. Get a free virtual consultation, or contact us at 952.479.5222 to schedule your free skin care consultation.

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Helping people define their own beauty. Talk with us today, we’re glad to help!

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