Whether you’re looking to stave off skin aging or diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, or skin laxity, chances are you’ve heard of collagen. While this widely used cosmetic ingredient has certainly become trendy in recent years, it’s not just a passing fad. When used correctly, cosmetic products and treatments that aim to boost collagen production can be highly effective in the fight against aging skin.


What exactly is collagen and why has it become so popular in skin care and cosmetic treatments? Let’s take a look.


What Is Collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and the primary structural component of the body’s various connective tissues. It plays a key role in cartilage, bone, and tendon health and forms scaffolding in both the epidermis and dermis, giving the skin volume, structure, strength, and elasticity.


Although the human body creates its own collagen, endogenous production of the protein naturally declines with age. Most people experience this drop in production during their mid-20s, but other factors, including UV exposure, stress, and inflammation, can accelerate collagen loss. Collagen fibers in the skin also become weaker and thinner with age.


Why Is Collagen Used in Cosmetic Treatments?

Many cosmetic treatments use either collagen itself or aim to stimulate the body’s natural collagen production because the protein helps maintain the skin’s structure and elasticity.


Basically, the more collagen the skin has, the more lifted, smooth, plump, and youthful it will look.


What Cosmetic Treatments Can Help Boost Collagen?

Several types of injections and medical-grade skin care procedures can help boost collagen production within the skin and help prevent and reduce signs of aging.


They include:


  • Sculptra, a cosmetic injectable containing poly-L-lactic acid, which literally stimulates the body’s natural collagen production


  • Dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid, such as Juvederm and Volbella, which immediately boost skin volume and help stimulate natural collagen production over time


  • Microneedling, which creates micro-injuries in the upper layer of the skin that encourage more endogenous collagen production



  • Collagen injections, which deliver the protein directly into the skin and stimulate further collagen production


  • Laser and radiofrequency treatments


  • Retinoids, such as Tretinoin


  • Chemical peels


If you’re curious about getting any of these treatments, be sure to do your research before choosing a provider. Only licensed, properly trained, and experienced medical professionals know how to administer the above procedures correctly to bring about optimal results.


For more helpful info, check out 5 Things to Know About Getting Cosmetic Injectables and 6 Popular Cosmetic Injectables for Men.

Is Topical Collagen Effective?

Skin care products containing collagen have become incredibly popular in recent years, but according to researchers, topical collagen is largely ineffective.


Several types of collagen exist, but no matter what type you’re looking at, collagen molecules — whether endogenous or synthetic — are too large to penetrate the surface of the skin. Because topical collagen can’t penetrate the skin, it can’t stimulate collagen production within it and does very little to improve the skin’s structure and elasticity.


Collagen peptides, however, are often much smaller in size, so they’re better able to penetrate the skin. With consistent application, products containing peptides can help prevent and reduce the appearance of skin aging.


Contact Arijai Aesthetics for Anti-Aging Skin Care Treatments

Whether you’re looking to turn back the clock on aging skin or prevent the development of fine lines, wrinkles, and laxity, get in touch with our team at Arijai Aesthetics and Wellness!


We specialize in a wide variety of medical-grade skin care services that boost collagen, including cosmetic injectables, SkinPen microneedling, platelet-rich plasma treatments, and more.


To get started, call our Burnsville, MN clinic today at 952-435-0605 or request a free consultation online, and we’ll get in touch to get you scheduled!